- ^rX in command and insert mode.
- Puts the content of X register. Typical use case: select something with * and then :%s/^r//new stuff/g
- punctuation: ; and ,
- repeats last tTfF motion, like everyone's favourite dot repeats last command
- rectangle visual mode
- ^v or quadruple1 click. Often easier and faster, than macros
- macros
- q. Everyone know them :help q
- ^o
- Jumps intro normal mode for one command. Typical usecase: editing middle of the line ^oo.
- ^v any_key in insert and command mode
- Puts the Vim representation for that key. Useful for editing .vimrc
- J in normal mode
- joins current line and next line
- ^a ^x in normal mode
- increment/decrement a number
- & and \1, \2...
- in to part of substitution
- "*
- X11 clipboard
- ^p ^n and ^xlot_of_keys like ^xf
- completions
- autocmds in your .vimrc
- see .vimrc examples below
- not a command: Wombat
My text is brilliant
My vim is pure.
I saw a Wombat.
Of that I'm sure.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
Some macros from my .vimrc that I found very useful:
" done with current line
inoremap <c-cr> <c-o&ht;o
autocmd FileType xml,html,xhtml,jsp,htmldjango inoremap <C-b> <Esc>"tciw<<C-o>"tp><CR></<C-o>"tp><Esc>O
autocmd FileType xml,html,xhtml,jsp,htmldjango inoremap <C-a> <Esc>"tciw<></><Esc>"tPF>"tPla
autocmd FileType xml,html,xhtml,jsp,htmldjango inoremap <C-s> <ESC>"tciw</><ESC>h"tPa<Space><Space><Left>
Side note: python syntaxfile file (at least in vim 7.0 in my SuSE) seems to be a little outdated:
autocmd FileType python syn keyword Constant True False None
autocmd FileType python syn keyword Keyword with
Meta tip:
type :help one_or_two_random_keys from time to time. prefix with i_ for insert mode stuff.
1 - yes. QUAD-ruple. Click, click, click, click. Four clicks in a row %-| . Open Office does have quadruple click too. Who uses mouse, anyway...
Didn't realize this earlier, but I also use <Esc>o for the same thing as ^oo :)
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